
A Broken Family.

Broken families are everywhere. It doesn't matter where you go, you'll always find them. They can be caused by death, divorce or cheating, but they all lead to one thing.. heart break.
It doesn't matter how things turn out after a family has been broken. Sometimes they end up better off, sometimes they don't, but no matter how it turns out there's always that empty hole left inside every one affected.
The holidays aren't the same. Those times you look forward to when you get to spend time with the people you love all at once are suddenly gone. You find yourself split and instead of laughing and being filled with joy, you're crying and wishing that you could just turn back time and re-live the magic of having a happy family. The perfect life.
But it's not only the holidays, everyday life. You get so used to seeing your mom or your dad everyday and all at once it's all taken away from you. You only get a limited time around these people that have molded you into being the people you are today. It isn't fair. It isn't fair that life can't be simplier, but hey, I guess there's a purpose for everything.
It hurts everyone. Even if you can't tell. It really does.
A friend of mine has a broken family. His parents split up when he was a little boy. His dad had some problem's he couldn't get under control. Finially his mom got fed up with it and left him. She took my friend and his brother. This tragedy killed my friend's dad inside. He loved his family so much. He loved his wife and his two little boys, and they were taken away right before his eyes.
I was with him tonight, the dad, and I could see the pain in his eyes. The funny thing is, we weren't talking about anything like that, we were helping him fix his car, but there was something about him. I could see her in his eyes. Aparantly my friend could too because it hurt him. He could tell his dad was hurting and he is too. He misses his dad and he wishes with all his heart that they could just be a happy family again. He misses seeing his dad happy. Sure his dad comes off as a happy person, but sometimes the truth shines through and the pain is shared by all. Tonight we cried together, my friend and I, because I know what it's like to be broken.
My family has been broken and two new families have been formed, and even though everyone's happy again, there will always be something missing in my heart. That warm feeling of one happy family that loves eachother. That safe feeling that nothing can ever go wrong because of the love that one family shares. There's nothing I miss more then spending Christmas morning with my mom and my dad and my sister, under the tree, exchanging gifts and laughing, watching christmas vacation and a christmas story. Thats just something I'll never get back.
But I will tell you one thing. My family, will not be broken. It will be protected by a super super glue made out of faith, true love, trust, and none other but the LORD's blessing.